If you investing in fashion, handbags are a wise investment. Handbags are less tied to trends, don’t have anything to do with changes in your dress size and can be handed over or sold second hand later on. Most used bags will have make up stains, pen marks, tears and external damage, like rain or sun stains. Keeping your favourite bags in tip top condition, requires a bit of care…

Behind the Bottle: The Detailed Steps of Vodka Distillation
By NEFT Vodka Vodka, a popular and versatile spirit, undergoes a meticulous distillation process to achieve its clean and smooth characteristics. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate steps of vodka distillation, uncovering the artistry and precision behind the creation of this beloved drink. Step 1: Raw Material Selection The first crucial step in vodka production is selecting the raw materials. Traditionally, vodka is made from grains…

Makeup Tips All Contact Wearers Should Follow
Summary: Wearing makeup and contact lenses can put you at risk for increased irritation or infection. Here are some tips to help you avoid some of these nuances. Wearing glasses and putting on makeup can be a hassle, which is why people are switching over th contact lenses. However, there are some rules you need to adhere to in order to irritate your eyes or cause an infection. Keep Your…

Mouth-watering sundaes at Angelina Tearoom
Article submitted by Cécile Zarokian It is a common knowledge that Paris is famous for its divine tarts and pastries, especially its famous hot chocolate and Mont-Blanc pastry at the Angelina Tearoom. Moreover, the teahouse offers a special treat for people with sweet tooth and that is its delicious ice cream sundaes. The Angelina Tearoom offers a variety of sundaes, but the Coupe Mont-Blanc is its specialty. This scrumptious dessert…

Common Contact Lens Problems and How to Fix Them
Summary: Contact lenses can come with a series of issues that must be addressed as soon as they are noticed by the wearer. Wearing contact lenses for an extended period of time can cause changes in the cornea in terms of tear production, oxygen levels, and structure. These changes may lead to irritation, or in severe cases, infection. The good news, however, is that they are not without their respective…

Expiration Dates and Contact Lenses | What Users Need to Know
Did you know that your multifocal contacts lenses have an expiration date? Much like a prescription or over-the-counter drug, you have anywhere from one to three years to use your lenses before they expire. After expiration, lenses should not be used. Even if they are sealed in an airtight container, as most soft contact lenses are. So, what do you do with expired lenses? Read on for advice and tips…

Hot Chocolate and Pastries of Angelina Tea House
Article submitted by Cécile Zarokian Paris is heaven of chocolate lovers, and Angelina Tea House, located in rue de Rivoli just across Tuileries garden has one of the best hot chocolates you will ever taste. The hot chocolate is a secret blend of the finest cocoa from Africa. The drink uses the cocoa from at least three different sources in Africa to make its unique taste. You get a pitcher…

How to Style Hair: Three Tricks Every Woman Should Know
If you need to survive until you can get to your Beauty Salon in Glendale, CA, here are some tricks that every woman should know. Find out why you have been shampooing your hair wrongly all those years. How to do a professional blow dry on your hair. Trim Your Own Bangs in a Pinch You can also trim these bangs on your own. The secret to great bangs being…

What to do in Paris, Angelina Tea House and more By Cécile Zarokian
Article submitted by Cécile Zarokian Paris is a beautiful city, and sometimes, one of the best ways to experience a place full of so much life and culture is to take a tour, as a Parisian, is to take one of the may casual tours. We are not talking about seeing the famous tourist attractions, but looking around this amazing city, and finding our gems. Taking a tour can expose…

9 things a girl needs in her handbag
Life can sometimes surprise you with last minute events and mishaps. Being ready for anything makes you a lot more prepared to handle any situation. Handbags are a girl’s life-line and a well packed bag can really make your day a smoother one. Here are 9 items that you shouldn’t leave home without. Eye cream – Eye creams are great for a quick pick me up during the day. Often…